Thursday, April 17, 2014
This event is open to the public. LIMITED SEATING! RSVP BY APRIL 10, 2014 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM Pastry & Coffee will be served. Feel free to download printable flyer
Center for Community Leadership
Junior League of Raleigh 711 Hillsborough St. Raleigh, NC 27603 919-787-7480 |

If you think Google+ is just another Social Media Platform,
think again!
Event Speaker, Sandra VanSickle,
will cover the benefits of integrating the many layers of
Google into your business.
Join us, and discover…
• Google+ - The steps you will need to take to get started on Google+.
Manage your page, circles, hashtags, +1's and much more.
See how easy it is to build your brand reputation in communities
with similar interest.
• Google Apps - Simple, enhanced tools allow you to collaborate in real time, across different
devices and locations, Google Docs, Google Drive, Google Calendar...
• Hangouts on Air - Broadcasting live will change the way you reach out and engage with others.
• Watch a Live Hangout - Hear testimonials from special guests on how they are using this
free tool to build their brand and engage with their audience.
A Whole New Professional Way of Doing Business
Sandra VanSickle is an ardent entrepreneur, and continuing education instructor,with nearly 40 years of experience
in the window fashion industry. As a life-long learner, Sandra's newest "passions" are technology and social media.
She is always seeking new methods, platforms, and technologies that help foster efficiency, visibility, and growth for small businesses.
She is the proud owner of Sew What's New, a wholesale custom home furnishings workroom, Cuddlebugs-n-Cocoons, an online retail business,
and NewTech-Style, her online Technology presence.
She currently serves as Vice President in the local WCAA Triangle Chapter.